At the 37th annual meeting of the EGHS Ark Toy and Activity Library, members celebrated moving into their new toy library space at the Community Health Centre.
Returning president Kaye Chamings said many changes had taken place throughout the existence of the Toy Library, be it a change of premises due to circumstances or direction taken to expand the service of the Toy Library to better meet the needs of the community, and the move to the new Toy Library space was yet another change to celebrate.
“It is fitting that the Toy Library has been relocated within the EGHS Community Health Centre,” Mrs Chamings said.
“As a resource service to the community within the Ararat Rural City, the Toy Library Auxiliary volunteers give their time to be supportive to special needs children and their families, parents and baby groups, adults in residential care, friends of the Patricia Hinchey Centre and all people with various needs.”
To complement the new Toy Library, the Auxiliary was successful in receiving two grants, a $1000 community grant from the Ararat RSL and a $5000 grant from the Ararat Wind Farm, for the purchase and construction of a shade sail over the new Toy Library outdoor area.
The new outdoor play space will soon be installed to complete the Toy Library project.
Mrs Chamings said in her report that new groups from the community are now using the Toy Library, including the Friends of the Day Centre using the area twice monthly, EGHS Residents’ Support Group member Jane Richardson using materials with Garden View Court residents and ante-natal classes will soon be held in the space.
The Toy Library will continue to work with closely with the Maternal and Child Health Service which is now located at the CHC and new parent and baby groups are joining on a regular basis.
The Toy Library held a number of successful fundraising events throughout the year.
Funds raised included $2000 from a cake stall at the EGHS garage sale, $1623.20 from the annual movie day, featuring ‘Swimming with Men’ and $472 from an Easter Egg Hunt in Alexandra Gardens, attended by 80 children.
Funds raised from these event will go towards new wooden toys for the baby and toddler area and equipment for the outdoor play area.
The end of year music day led by Grant Thomas was once again a success with 31 children enjoying songs, puppets and games.
“Thank you to our friends and supporters for your support when we hold a function, we value your friendship and interest,’ Mrs Chamings said.
Joining Kaye on the committee include secretary Dianne Pickering, treasurer Jan Ayer and assistant treasurer Mary Stapleton.
Pictured are the new EGHS Ark Toy and Activity Library executive, L-R, Jan Ayer, Kaye Chamings and Dianne Pickering