Healthy @ Home – 5352 9555

This is a free phone support service, to help people to stay well and at home.

Our telehealth assistants will give you a call one to three times each week, dependent on your need, to see if you have any health concerns.  When needed, you will then be referred to our Care Coordinator who will manage further services and interventions to help you feel well again.

Healthy@Home is for anyone over 18 years of age who has a condition that makes them vulnerable and at risk of hospitalisation.

How to refer:

You can click the Apply Now button below to express your interest or phone Healthy@Home on 5352 9555 to discuss the service. Family, carers, friends and GPs are also able to refer for someone they are concerned about.

We will then set up an appointment in your home to coordinate enrolment.

This service does not replace GP visits or an ambulance in an emergency situation and is only available during normal office hours.