Our Services

East Grampians Health Service (EGHS) provides an extensive range of acute, residential, home and community based services. Located at both Ararat and Willaura, these services operate throughout Ararat Rural City.

Watch a short video about our services

Inpatient/Acute Services
These are services that the public access for short term health care needs, for example, an operation or treatment of an acute illness that requires a short hospital stay.

Aged Care Residential Services
EGHS provides quality care for older people who require high level care (nursing home) or low level care (hostel) in spacious modern accommodation.

Community Services
These are services that the public may access at any time for a short period i.e. physiotherapy. Some of these services are provided in your home for example: District Nursing.

Private Patients
Patients who elect to use their Private Health Insurance will have no ‘out of pocket’ expenses for any inpatient services.  By using your Private Health Insurance it will also provide great assistance to the Health Service which enables us to maintain existing services, purchase equipment, and develop new initiatives for the community.

Private Health Insurance – BRAC09

Click here to go to frequently asked questions about Private Patients.

Health Information
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI) gives you the right to request information held by: Public hospitals, community health centres and other public organisations.

Freedom of Information – SOPP 24.05

For all FOI applications follow the attached guidelines and submit the ‘Freedom of Information Request’ form.

Freedom of Information Request Form – 26.01.00

Child Safety

East Grampians Health Service is committed to child safety

Our organisation:

  • provides a safe environment for all children
  • has zero tolerance for child abuse
  • actively works to listen, respect and empower children
  • has systems in place to protect children
  • will take all allegations and concerns very seriously, respond to them consistently and in line with the organisations policies and procedures
  • is committed to promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment for Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with a disability.

Patients, Residents, Clients Right & Responsibilities
East Grampians Health Service supports the rights of patients, residents and clients and their carers by providing a clear statement of expectations that is understood by both users and providers

At East Grampians Health Service it is expected that respect will be demonstrated to everyone by everyone

You have the right to:

Access A right to access health care
Safety A right to receive safe and high quality health care
Respect A right to be shown respect, and to be treated with dignity and consideration
Communication A right to be informed about services, treatment, options and costs in a clear and open way
Participation A right to be included in decisions and to make choices about your health care
Privacy A right to privacy and confidentiality of your personal information
Comment A right to comment on your health care, and to have your concerns addressed

You have the responsibility to:

Work with your treating team by providing relevant information about your health and circumstances that may influence your treatment, recovery or stay in hospital.

If you would like to provide feedback, please contact:
Executive Assistant to Chief Executive
Email: jo.summers@eghs.net.au
Telephone : 03 5352 9300
PO Box 155
Ararat 3377

Any problem is usually best solved at the point of service in the hospital. However, if you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint or you wish to take your concerns further, please contact the Office of Health Complaints Commissioner, who provides a free and confidential service for anyone with a complaint about a health service provider in Victoria.

Office of the Health Complaints Commissioner

Call: 1300 582 113 between 9.30am and 3.00pm

Email: hcc@health.vic.gov.au

Visit: http://www.hcc.vic.gov.au

Send letters to:  Level 26, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000