EGHS Oncology Unit celebrates 20th birthday

Twenty years of service to the Ararat community by the East Grampians Health Service Oncology Unit was celebrated this month.

The Oncology Unit’s 20th birthday brought together more than 40 past and present patients, volunteers, donors and staff.

More than 20 years ago, a need for oncology services locally was identified to allow people diagnosed with cancer to receive treatment closer to home without having to travel and stay in larger centres, causing even greater disruption to their lives.

In 2004 Professor George Kannourakis from Ballarat Oncology and Haematology was approached to provide an Oncology treatment and outpatient service to the Ararat community and surrounding district and u January 2005, thanks to generous donations from the community and funding, a fully equipped eight chair, day oncology unit was established in the south end of first floor (now the Dialysis Unit.)

Dr Craig Carden joined the department in 2011, initially working with Dr Kannourakis and then as of 2013 as the unit’s oncologist, and Haematologist, Dr Pohan Lukito joined the team in 2019.

As part of refurbishment of the hospital, the department was relocated in May 2013 to the north end of first floor into a purpose designed facility where it remains today.

A number of art projects were conducted within the unit over the years, with the idea of creating works of art to decorate to create a homely feel. Artists Kevin Free and the late Carolyn Thomas coordinated one of these projects, ‘Sharing the Journey’, with staff and patients creating artworks for the unit. Later the Willaura Quilters group worked with patients, carers and family members to create three quilts as part of the ‘Common Threads’ project, with two raffled to raise funds for the unit and one quilt still adorning the wall of the waiting room.

The Ararat community has been enormously supportive of the Oncology Unit and continues to raise funds which allows the Unit to update equipment and provide a welcoming environment, staffed with qualified professionals who provide that personal touch. The Ararat and District Breast Cancer Support Group was a major contributor over many years, providing all current treatment chairs in the unit and other items of equipment.

The volunteers also provided great support to the department over the years, which was appreciated by patients during their treatment.

Oncology Unit Associate Nurse Unit Manager Leesa McInnes thanked everyone for attending the birthday celebrations.

“Being diagnosed with cancer is a life changing experience for not just patients but the entire family,” Ms McInnes said.

“To be able to have treatment locally reduces the stress for everyone. When you come here for treatment, you join our family and we do our best to care and support everyone through their cancer journey.

“Because we are small department you see the same staff week after week and really get to know us. You are not just a number to us, and we try to make a difficult time in your life as easy as possible.”