Achievements recognised

For the second consecutive year, East Grampians Health Service is a finalist in the Health Service of the Year (medium size) for the 2016 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards.

Last year EGHS won the major award.

EGHS chief executive Nick Bush said being recognised and nominated for the award for the second year in succession was a great achievement.

“Our nomination is due to the hard work of our Board members, doctors and of course all of our committed and dedicated staff,” Mr Bush said.

Mr Bush said EGHS has developed a reputation as an innovative and progressive rural health service and a leader in the delivery of safe, high quality integrated acute, residential and primary health care, meeting the needs of communities throughout Ararat Rural City.

“Last year’s award was a wonderful achievement and demonstrates that our organisational values continue to be integrated into the planning and delivery of care we provide to our community by creating exceptional experiences for our patients, residents and clients and importantly, for each other,” Mr Bush said.

The health service was also awarded the Institute of Public Administration Australia, Victoria’s Leadership in the Public Sector Awards – People Development last year for its Learning, Education, Training and Sustainability (LETS) program.

“EGHS is an organisation that embraces our core organisational values of ‘Learning Culture’,” Mr Bush said.

“The learning and education opportunities for staff have increased substantially over the last few years through our multi award winning LETS program.”

The aim of the LETS program is to increase clinical workforce capability and counteract workforce shortages.

Mr Bush said that there has also been considerable work carried out on the person-centred Montessori Model of Care implemented last year at the 70 Lowe Street aged care facility.

Montessori aims to fulfil the vision of independence and improved self esteem for residents through environmental cueing and meaningful activities and roles, which focus on the individual’s skills, abilities, needs and interests.

“Traditional models of care for our aged care residents were reviewed and evaluated to determine residents’ quality of life and their levels of happiness with the aged care service,” Mr Bush said.

EGHS’ mission is also to improve the health status of the community and it has been successful in implementing several initiatives, including the cessation of availability of sugar laden drinks within the entire organisation, a first for a health service in this region.

“We have a responsibility to lead the way in healthy living in our community and the Board was very supportive of our decision to cease selling sugar laden drinks,” Mr Bush said.

“EGHS is also working to be recognised as a healthy eating workplace for the Healthy Together Victoria Achievement Program, in conjunction with Ararat Rural City’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.”

The Victorian Public Healthcare award winners will be announced at a gala ceremony on December 12 at the Pullman Albert Park Hotel.


Pictured above:  Thumbs up for health service: Celebrating being nominated for the Health Service of the Year (medium size), L-R, EGHS staff Ash Leggett, Bill Joiner, Ruth Strauja, Johnathon Jende, Emma Varley, Jordyn Leggett and Anthony McKenna.