The EGHS Aboriginal Health Team are getting out and about around the health service, meeting staff, patients, residents and consumers.
Our Aboriginal Liaison Officers assist multidisciplinary teams to provide clinical and primary health care for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals and families.
Aboriginal Liaison Officers engage with patients, clients and visitors to hospitals and assist in arranging, coordinating and providing culturally appropriate health care.
East Grampians Health Service has Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officers, who form the Aboriginal Health Team and work across the organisation.
Our team offer maternity support for our parents and families.
The team has female workers that assist with Women’s business as well as male workers that assist with Men’s business.
In addition to this important work, the team is enjoying working with residents and consumers, recently playing a fun game of indigenous bingo with consumers at the Patricia Hinchey Centre.
Pictured: Aboriginal Health Liaison Officers Kevin Jameson and Makayla Rumler play bingo with consumers and staff at the Patricia Hinchey Centre