Looking for a girls’ night out to warm up your winter?
The East Grampians Health Service Women Wisdom and Wellbeing Dinner is back in 2019, bigger and better than ever!
After a break in 2018, the WWW Dinner will return for the 17th year to the Ararat Town Hall on Friday August 23 with theme of ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’.
President of the EGHS Auxiliary Viv Burridge said the WWW Dinner attracts close to 300 women of all ages and cultures from across Western Victoria, with all proceeds used in the purchase of vital equipment for the health service.
All proceeds from this year’s event will be used to support the purchase of a patient monitoring system for the Urgent Care Centre resuscitation bay. The monitor enables patients to be moved from the UCC to other areas of the health service and still be monitored.
This equipment will be a crucial addition to the Urgent Care Centre.
“The aim of the WWW Dinner is to promote health and wellbeing for women of all ages, stages and cultures through health promotion and brings women together throughout the wider community to share in a networking experience,” Mrs Burridge said.
“It offers an opportunity to rural women, many of whom may be isolated, to network and meet new friends, raises vital funds for East Grampians Health Service to help deliver a better service to the community and allows women to share wisdom and ideas together and above all, have some fun.”
If you would like to get a table together for this year’s WWW Dinner, contact EGHS Community Liaison Officer Jodie Holwell on jodie.holwell@eghs.net.au and an invitation will be sent to you with booking details.
Tickets are $90 with early bird tickets $85, all inclusive of meal and drinks.
Local duo SOFT will get you dancing all night so ‘dress to have fun’ and get a table of girls together now.
Guests at the 2017 Women Wisdom and Wellbeing Dinner