Staff enjoy working in new Healthy@Home Building

Staff have moved into the Healthy@Home building and are now enjoying a bright and vibrant new environment in which to work.

The Healthy@Home building has been planned to allow disciplines to practise in teams that they would generally have common goals for with their clients.

“With this in mind, the new building also allows for improved access for the Community Nurses to work more effectively in their role,” Clinical Project Lead Debbie O’Brien said.

“It allows for a more collaborative approach to practising and better outcomes for our clients.”

The new building includes offices for the administration staff and manager, meeting rooms, and a kitchenette.

There is an open plan office where Palliative Care, the Breast Care Nurse and Social Worker will work.

“This team works very well together with common clients,” Debbie said.

Close to the carpark to provide easier access for nurses and their equipment are two open plan offices for Community Nurses. The Community Nurses’ office is next to the storeroom where staff can access their equipment while exiting the building with health and safety being a consideration when designing this area.

The Chronic Disease Team consisting of PAC, Healthy@Home program, HARP, Regional Assessment Service and Home Care Packages are located in the other open plan office.

With privacy and confidentiality in mind, there are two break out offices to allow staff to relocate when they are having a sensitive phone call to clients.

Cate Manton at work in one of the new office spaces in the newly finished Community Nursing Building