An exciting development at East Grampians Health Service will see huge cost savings resulting in more money being reinvested back into the health service.
A feasibility study conducted by Community Power Hub Ballarat identified an opportunity to reduce growing power costs at East Grampians Health Service through the implementation of two solar projects across four locations at its Ararat and Willaura campuses.
“Our electricity costs have almost doubled in the last two years,” Andrew Freeman, East Grampians Health Service chief executive said.
“Community Power Hub Ballarat undertook an assessment of the renewable energy options available to us and came up with a model to reduce our costs through the installation of solar panels.
“One of the great advantages of this project is that the savings will be invested back into the health service, which will directly support the health outcomes of our community.
“It is also in line with our vision to be leaders in rural health care.”
The first stage of the emPOWERing EGHS project will get underway in the near future when the project goes out to tender.
When completed, stage one of the project will see solar panels installed at the Willaura Campus, main Ararat Hospital building, Community Health Centre, support services, the mental health building, 70 Lowe Street and Garden View Court.
The EGHS Board has made a commitment to fund this work.
Funding the second stage of emPOWERing EGHS will require the health service to apply for philanthropic and government grants.
If successful, new visitor and staff car park shelters will be built and solar panels installed.
EGHS Chief Executive Andrew Freeman (left) and Director Support Services Stuart Kerr