A shade sail has been erected at the newly opened Ark Toy and Activity Library and will ensure sun protection for children who use the facilities over the summer months.
The new Toy Library was built as part of the Community Health Centre redevelopment and families are now enjoying the new space.
The Toy Library Auxiliary received two grants to help fund the construction of the shade sail, a $5000 grant from the Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program and a $1000 grant from the RSL Community Grant program.
Toy Library Auxiliary president Kaye Chamings thanked both funding bodies for their generosity.
“Without the grants from the Ararat Wind Farm and Ararat RSL, we would not have been able to have a shade sail installed at the new Toy Library,” Mrs Chamings said.
“We are very grateful to them both for their funding, which will ensure our little ones are protected from the sun when they play outside.”
An outdoor play area will be constructed under the shade sail in the near future.
For further information about the Toy Library toy borrowing service and mums and bubs groups please phone Kaye on 0418 522 283.
Pictured are members of the Ark Toy and Activity Library Auxiliary Robyn Sleep, Mary Stapleton, Anne Hedgeland, Grace Rachinger, Daphne Lewis and Kaye Chamings with the new shade sail purchased through grants from the Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program and RSL Community Grants program