October is Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, providing a great opportunity to show support for women and families personally affected by breast cancer.
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Ararat Breast Cancer Support Group will host its ‘Pink Petal’ morning tea.
The morning tea event will be held at the Ararat Bowling Club on Monday October 30 commencing at 10am.
All community members are welcome to come along, enjoy morning tea and listen to guest speaker Linden Marland, infection control coordinator (nurse) from East Grampians Health Service.
Mrs Marland will share information such as the appropriateness of vaccines like the flu shot, whooping cough and shingles as well as touch on the issue of myths in relation to vaccination.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Australian women with one in eight diagnosed before the age of 85.
This year, 17,586 women and 144 men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia. On average, 48 Australians are diagnosed every day and while survival rates are improving – figures show more than 90 per cent of women are surviving five years after diagnosis – there is still some way to go.
“Women can help themselves by having a free mammogram at BreastScreen, to book in call 13 20 50,” EGHS breast care nurse Sarah Carter said.
“There is a BreastScreen Service in both Ballarat and Horsham offering free two yearly mammograms to women aged 40 and over without symptoms.
“There is no upper age limit, however, the target age group is 50-74 years as 50 per cent of women diagnosed with breast cancer are in this age range.”
Mrs Carter said it is advisable if you do have any concerning symptoms that you see your GP straight away.
“Seeking early detection and diagnosis gives you the best possible chance of a successful outcome,” she said.
A BreastScreen Bus visits Ballarat from Ararat a couple times per year depending on numbers. The next bus will be visiting BreastScreen Ballarat on Thursday November 30.
If you are interested, there are seats still available, please phone the EGHS Community Health Centre on 5352 9327 to place your name on the list.
Mrs Carter said that on Tuesday November 14 East Grampians Health Service will be hosting the Look Good…Feel Better program.
This free workshop is held twice a year and is for any woman recently diagnosed with cancer, undergoing or about to undergo chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment for cancer. Experienced volunteers from the cosmetic and beauty industry are available to show women how to care for their skin and apply make-up to minimise the appearance related side effects of treatment.
Phone the Health Centre on 5352 9327 and speak with Mrs Carter for further information or to register, or alternatively phone the Look Good…Feel Better program on 1800 650 960 or website www.lgfb.org.au
The Ararat Breast Cancer Support Group, co-ordinated by Bev Walker and Kaye Fox, offer support to women with breast cancer and their families by providing regular meetings, telephone support, social occasions and practical assistance.
“New members are always welcome to join the group, which meets once a month,” Mrs Walker said.
For further information please phone Bev on 5352 1604 or Kaye on 5352 1462.
Quilt to be raffled at the Pink Petal morning tea