The Patricia Hinchey Day Centre at East Grampians Health Service recently has added a “Quiet Room” to their centre, the room will allow families to have some private time with their loved ones. The quiet room was a result of hard work from the Patricia Hinchey Day Centre Auxiliary in fundraising during the course of last year.
Mrs Dianne Radford Patricia Hinchey Day Centre Auxiliary President said “The Quiet Room at the Patricia Hinchey Day Centre will allow people who attend the centre to have a special place to spend time in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere. It will also allow for family members to visit the centre and spend quality time with their loved ones who regularly embrace the Day Centre as another dimension of their daily life.
Mrs Radford commented that “The Patricia Hinchey Day Centre Auxiliary is made up of committed volunteers, staff and community who want to assist in their own special way. The Auxiliary support the needs of the centre and also contribute to make funds available so all those attending the centre can have the opportunity to partake in activities both at the centre and in the community. The Auxiliary is pleased that they have been able to provide valuable funds to assist with the Quite Room being developed and the purchasing of furnishings and equipment, which will help make this the special place the staff wanted to create within the Patricia Hinchey Day Centre.”