East Grampians Health Service has recently welcomed its 2023 Medical Interns.
The Grampians Rural Generalist Intern Training Program (GRGITP) is a partnership between East Grampians Health Service, St John of God Ballarat Hospital and Maryborough District Health Service.
It is a community-based Intern program where Interns gain a relevant and thoroughly hands on experience in the roles and procedures of rural doctors.
The program is designed to create a strong basis for a rural medical career while also developing skills transferrable to metropolitan practice.
The six Interns for 2023 will rotate between core medical and emergency terms at SJOG Hospital, core surgical terms at EGHS and MDHS, with General Practice terms at Clarendon Medical Centre and Nightingale Clinic in Maryborough and at Ararat Medical Centre.
Nicholas, Melissa, Jessica and Joe have joined us from Deakin University. Niranjanaa has come from Macquarie University in Sydney and Andrew, Oceania University in Samoa.
Please make them welcome if you see them around the health service.
Pictured are our Interns and their supervisors: Back L-R, 2023 Interns Andrew Bishay and Joseph Gruner, A/Prof Andrew Dean (Supervisor of Intern Training); Front L-R, 2022 intern Ellie Smith, who spent the day assisting with orientation of this year’s interns, 2023 Interns Nicholas Pridan, Melissa Blackall, Jessica Fennell and Niranjanaa Shenoy. They are also pictured during their orientation at EGHS