Christians Bus Company in Ararat has been a long-term supporter of East Grampians Health Service, assisting with a number of community and fundraising events each year.
Women attending the BreastScreen clinic and riders and support crew in the EGHS Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay have been the big beneficiaries of the support of Christians over many years.
A group of women recently boarded the bus to BreastScreen in Ballarat, with Christians providing free transport on the day for participants.
BreastScreen is a free mammogram service for women between the ages of 50-74, screening women in this age group for breast cancer.
“BreastScreen Victoria appreciates the generous support from Christian’s Bus Company by providing free transport to the Dana Street BreastScreen clinic in Ballarat,” BreastScreen Victoria health promotion officer Marg Lannen said.
“BreastScreen also wishes to thank staff at East Grampians Health Service for their invaluable support in coordinating these appointments.
“Providing this service means that more women from the Ararat area are able to access potentially life-saving free breast screens.”
Over many years Christians has also provided two buses free of charge to transport riders and support crew on the Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay.
This year the fundraising tally for the Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay amounted to $27,900, and has been added to the many thousands of dollars raised over more than 20 years for various departments of the health service, with vital pieces of equipment purchased in that time.
“Our teams are very grateful for the support of Christians in providing the buses to transport us from Swan Hill to Port Fairy during the weekend of the Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay,” team captain Alan Young said.
“Having comfortable and reliable transport during what is a gruelling ride for our cyclists means a lot.
“Without the support of businesses such as Christians we would not raise the significant sums of money for East Grampians Health Service that we have over the past 20 plus years.
“We are also lucky to have the support of retired Christians’ bus drivers who volunteer their time to transport our teams.”
Pictured are East Grampians Health Service staff, BreastScreen participants and Christians Bus Co staff, L-R, Alan Young, Margaret Olle, Andrew Smith, Pat Lawson, Terry O’Connell and Sarah Carter