The EGHS Residents’ Support Group AGM guests enjoyed a fashion parade from Caring Clothing, a company which provides specialist clothing for the elderly, residents in residential aged care and the disabled.
RSG group members modelled the clothing and created interest among those who attended.
Marlene Goudie was returned as president of the group and will be supported by secretary Jackie Grimmer, treasurer Margaret Spong and assistant treasurer Lynne Wilson.
In her report Marlene said the Residents’ Support Group is a very committed group of people who work towards improving the lives of residents of 70 Lowe Street and Garden View Court.
“The regular activities and seasonal events have continued throughout the year and been well attended. These have included manicures, Memories, Whistling Kettle, Tea and Talk, music, footy tipping, bingo and sewing assistance for residents,” Mrs Goudie said.
“Our members have often said that they feel very privileged to visit with the residents and we feel that we enjoy this as much as the residents do!”
Other activities conducted throughout the year include the Lowe Street Carols, which has become a tradition for residents, families and friends, Easter Egg delivery, with Marg Young carrying out this tradition for 45 years, along with her grandson Callum for the past 10 years, and Mother’s Day afternoon tea and entertainment.
Mrs Goudie said it had been a busy year for fundraising, which included catering at the Rotary Club Regional Assembly, assisting in catering at the Ararat Town Hall free lunchtime concerts, assisting catering for the 50th anniversary Beefsteak and Burgundy Dinner at J Ward, and catering for 260 people at the Dan Tehan volunteer awards ceremonies at Alexandra Oval Community Centre.
Major fundraisers have included a successful movie night featuring ‘Ladies in Black’ at the Astor Cinema, with 215 people attending and the Shopping Spree Night, which was reintroduced after a hiatus of a number of years and proved very successful.
The group was also fortunate that one of the entrants in the Golden Gateway Festival Queen competition identified the Residents’ Support Group as her chosen charity.
Some of the proceeds of this fundraising have gone towards the purchase of: Three iPads for 70 Lowe St $1557; Christmas Gift Vouchers for GVC and Lowe St $150 x 2; Outdoor Plants for Lowe St and Indoor Plants for GVC $300 x 2; 30 Tablecloths ordered $750.
“A focus this year has been on working towards attracting new members to ensure the sustainability of the group in the coming years. This has been very successful, with seven new members joining the group,” Mrs Goudie said.
“It has been wonderful to see the new members being enthusiastically welcomed at meetings and included in events.
“We will also continue to encourage more male members, which will mean that we are able to support additional activities and outings for the men of Lowe Street and Garden View Court.”
EGHS Residents’ Support Group executive, Lynne Wilson, Marg Spong, Jackie Grimmer and Marlene Goudie