Many people, who thought they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, sing, were up there belting it out with the best of them when Bar Choir came to Ararat as an EGHS Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay team fundraiser.
Around 40 people turned out to Ararat’s first ever Bar Choir, held at Chalambar Golf Club.
Run by Bar Choir Victoria, Mary Card, Paige Duggan and Harri travelled to Ararat to teach Queen’s iconic ‘We are the Champions’ in three part harmony.
Bar Choir is a simple concept – go to a bar/pub/venue, grab a drink if you want to and learn a song in one night.
According to the team, Bar Choir is not about performance, it’s about singing for the soul!
Everyone who attended Bar Choir in Ararat had a great time and Chalambar Golf Club has now taken it on as a regular event, with the next Bar Choir set for Friday July 26 (not an EGHS fundraiser), so for those who enjoyed it, put it in your diaries now!
Thanks to Chalambar Golf Club for allowing Murray to Moyne to use their facilities for the fundraiser.
Bar Choir attracted a big crowd of 40 people